TESTING testing 123XYZ…

I discovered that I can tackle mountains and crevices as well as any adventure enthusiast! BUT give me the tiniest details such as technology and IT- I fall apart. TESTING my sanity! Days have been ruined- makeup smeared from exhausting hours spent trying to find which password goes with whatever application it is I’m using. Deleting, and making new passwords only to find the scramble to make more of a mess. The frustration of being an artist! I remember getting through high school and typing class thinking, WHEW I got through before I needed to learn about computers. L O L the joke has been on me for the rest of my adult life! There’s no getting away from computers and technology so my one big answer to all my questions is. DON’T TEST YOURSELF-GET HELP-MAKE FRIENDS WITH TECHNOLOGY ASAP! The Questions are…

  1. How do I make friends with all things technology? My answer is… approach with caution. Do you know the phrase “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” That’s technology! The solution is be very kind and patient with yourself.
  2. How do I know the right questions to ask? People don’t even know to ask if I use a computer or not… I work on mobile devices. And have discovered that many things require a computer. When I found that was an answer it solved a whole world of problems only to open another Pandora’s box. (we will save that story for another day)
  3. How long will this take? It will take the rest of your life. Plan on being a life long learner and lighten up. Make sure you have a lot of time on your hands and prioritize the importance of the little seemingly insignificant things. Like the grain of rice that will blister your foot if left unattended in your shoe it’s small but mighty!
  4. Where can I get help? Get help doing it on your own will suck the life out of you! Help from a younger generation person, or a class from a local college/ community program. *Remember to be very patient with yourself because they (many well intended people) are not going to know the right questions to ask you about on your journey to IT adventure. This is not a TEST…This is your life and if you must engage with Technology be very patient and kind with yourself. You can do it even if you lose your mind a little along the way. Keep your eyes open for a guest on my next post…telling it like it is, living with Passion- It’s ups and downs, how they TEST you. TheaDaniels is a life coach specializing in THE GOOD STUFF! FB:TheArtofHumanConnection IG:CoachTheaDaniels #Coaching YouTube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCtWjwhodZiDnU4rc0vzJ-kQ

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